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Environmental Science and Technology 46(4)

Overview of new articles on POPs in a new issue of the Environmental Science & Technology journal.

Comparative Assessment of the Global Fate of α- and β-Hexachlorocyclohexane before and after Phase-Out
Henry Wöhrnschimmel, Pascal Tay, Harald von Waldow, Hayley Hung, Yi-Fan Li, Matthew MacLeod, and Konrad Hungerbuhler
pp 2047–2054

  • Technical hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) was one of the most widely used pesticides during the 20th century. Although production and use were phased-out during the 1990s, two of its major components, α- and β-HCH, are still ubiquitous in the environment. Here, we have collected and analyzed data on concentrations of α- and β-HCH in the atmosphere and oceans, including spatial and temporal trends and seasonalities.

Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in U.S. Sewage Sludges and Biosolids: Temporal and Geographical Trends and Uptake by Corn Following Land Application
Robert C. Hale, Mark J. La Guardia, Ellen Harvey, Da Chen, Thomas M. Mainor, Drew R. Luellen, and Lakhwinder S. Hundal
pp 2055–2063

  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been used extensively to flame-retard polymers and textiles. Land application of stabilized sewage sludge (known as biosolids) can contribute PBDEs to terrestrial systems. Monitoring sludge/biosolids contaminant burdens may be valuable in revealing trends in societal chemical usage and environmental release.

Occurrences and Fates of Hydroxylated Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Marine Sediments in Relation to Trophodynamics
Kun Zhang, Yi Wan, Paul D. Jones, Steve Wiseman, John P. Giesy, and Jianying Hu
pp 2148–2155

  • While occurrences and origins of hydroxylated (OH-) polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in organisms have been reported, the fates of these compounds in abiotic matrixes and related trophodynamics are unclear. The present study measured concentrations of nine OH-PBDEs, twelve methoxylated (MeO-) PBDEs, and eleven PBDEs in marine sediments and explored the trophodynamics of OH-PBDEs in five invertebrates, eight fish, and two species of birds from Liaodong Bay, north China.

Assessing and Forecasting Atmospheric Outflow of α-HCH from China on Intra-, Inter-, and Decadal Time Scales
Chongguo Tian, Jianmin Ma, Yingjun Chen, Liyan Liu, Wanli Ma, and Yi-Fan Li
pp 2220–2227

  • Atmospheric outflow of α-HCH from China from 1952 to 2009 was investigated using Chinese Gridded Pesticide Emission and Residue Model (ChnGPERM).

